Dicen que dicen…They say that they say
…you will find in the middle of the lake an eagle on a cactus tree devouring a serpent…
The ancient inhabitants of Mexico never assured you that what they said was to be asserted as true. They began all their storytelling with the phrase: “they say that they say…”
Dicen que Dicen, opens a form of communication that will tell stories that must be told. There are things in our soul that must come out; they burn inside like fire trowing its flames to the wind; then we have to speak.
The idea of an ancient tale that transforms our way of looking at life, at time, at existence is what motivates us to imprint this words. From the stories of ancient India and China and the Nahua and Inca to the present day storytellers, we learn to cherish nature and life.
Now is our Turn!